US wants BP to detail new plans

In BP's letter, the White House has asked the giant sealed and detailed breakdown of the p90x Gulf oil gushing has cured 80 days of the program.

Obama oil leaks were Allen asked about the company's plan to eliminate the "cap" and replace it with a specific letter of BP a "sealed cover."

"I must have knowledge of the steps and decision points involved; mitigation efforts to implement; and contingency plans, if these efforts can not succeed," Allen said in the letter, which is released on Thursday, today, cheap p90x States have reported.

In the "cap" is placed with the slow leak of hope, however, it failed to capture the good of gas spewing out. In the "sealing cap" is said to capture more oil.

BP's business has been interrupted adverse weather conditions in recent days. However, 7-8 days of calm weather forecasts, the administration has urged the British oil companies move forward with its long-delayed operation.

Oil recovery vessels, spiral producers, it can capture up to 25,000 barrels of oil every day, waiting for more than a week near the wells, hurricanes Alex can not connect to the ship well.

Hurricane Alex last week 16 in p90x workout dvds northeast of BP's efforts to disrupt.

July 1, his large number of oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico, as in the history of the region's worst oil disaster, surpassing the 140 million gallons mark.

BP oil spill began on April 20 after the deep water drilling rig explosion horizon. Explosion left 11 workers dead.

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